Youth Leadership Retreat April 24-26, 2020


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A Few Student Responses

Excel has taught me to not rush things because it doesn’t always make it better. To be yourself always, let your mate find you, and NEVER let anyone control you.
— Briana (8th grade)
Every leaders story impacted me. What they taught me is to make good decisions and eventhough you may make mistakes, you will learn and grow and could teach others.
— Junior High student
SRA programs are often confused as just Sexual Risk Avoidance. And although the teaching of sex avoidance is taught I have had eye opening experiences, opportunities given, and fun times. Most importantly I have been given a support family of friends that I wouldn’t trade for the world - Payton 10th grade

— Payton (10th Grade)
The Excel risk avoidance program in my health class is more than just about sex, for me, it was the reality that I had a choice. I never knew about abstinence is actually a choice.  It was for the first time in my life, presented with the choice of abstinence. Sex and stuff seemed to be expected within my family, and I was taught through the Excel program that I now had a choice for something different. Who knows what my future holds now that I know I have other options other than continuing the current unhealthy family cycle?
— 10th grade student
I never thought about dating to marry, it makes sense. I will take my relationships at a slower pace to really get to know them before I get all serious- I loved the classes and the speakers they keep it real
— 12th grade student
As a teen mom I have the support and resources to start fresh, stay in school. I have been given hope. Thank you Excel.
— Teen mom