T4P—Training 4 Purpose


TRAINING4PURPOSE includes READING4PURPOSE, SMART-RECOVERY, and HOPE-ON-WHEELS. Each component will address the needs identified below by implementing a multifaceted approach that integrates the enhancement of protective factors that couple intentional high dosage intervention for our youth population. According to the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), the number of school days are almost equal to the number of non-school days, and even though the number are equal, 63 percent of juvenile violent crimes occur on school days. Nearly one-fifth (19%) of juvenile violent crimes occur during the 4 hours after school on school days between 3pm and 7pm. Most youth between the ages of 12-17 begin to experiment with drugs, alcohol, and sex during after school hours. T4P will be useful, valuable, and meet the needs and demand identified by: providing strategies that weave the goal of optimal health into every component, clearly communicating teen sex is a risk behavior for both the physical consequences of pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections; as well as sociological economic, and other related risks, providing information and practical skills to assist youth in successfully avoiding sexual risk, and providing youth engaged in sex with affirming and skills to make healthier and risk-free choices in the future. The proposed approach will also integrate protective factors relative to the importance of providing youth with the opportunity to have positive relationships with caring adults

DiAnka Moton